Helping anxious minds of all ages create calm amid mental chaos.

Does any of this resonate with you?

You feel lost in life.

Every day is starting to feel like part of a routine.

You’ve lost sight of your personal goals and ambitions, and this new routine just seems to be pulling you farther away from them.

At this point, you’re not sure what your life is about anymore.

Your confidence is at an all-time low.

When you do things that aren’t goal oriented, or that don’t turn out the way you’d expected, you immediately see yourself as a failure.

This can trigger a barrage of thoughts about yourself that make you feel awful. Things like “see, you can’t do anything right,” or “why even try, you always mess things up” to be followed by “you should try more.” You can’t win.

And even though you know that these mean thoughts about yourself aren’t true, somehow, they still FEEL true.

You've lost a sense of meaning.

It’s like you’re living just a bit detached from the reality of your life. You used to enjoy things, to feel really present in in the moment with certain people or activities, but lately, you’re just not really there. Not completely.

Your mind is working overtime, leaving you exhausted.

It’s as though you have multiple mental browser tabs open all the time, and nothing ever feels finished. And somehow, all of it feels incredibly important.

You’ve been led to believe that you must perform at 110% to be respected, loved and appreciated. So when you are tapped out, unable to give any more than you already have, you exhaust yourself to do more, or face the judgements of your inner critic.

With that cruel voice inside pushing you to do more and be more, you can’t rest. If you do, you’ll be tormented by the thought that you’re not enough.

You feel yourself sinking into increasingly negative feelings.

Guilt, overwhelm, despair, maybe even shame, eat you up inside. It just feels really bad inside a lot of the time. Your stomach is in knots, your energy is low, and you’re beating yourself up for not being good enough.

There is hope.

You can start feeling good again, right now.

Most humans go through times when they feel like they’re not good enough, like something must be wrong with them, like life is just passing them by while they feel stuck in place.

While these feelings might pass by on their own, your current state is lingering longer than you’re ok with, and it’s time to claim your right to get help. You do not need to manage this on your own.

Take advantage of the resources that are available to you; they are yours. Therapy with me is a powerful springboard towards feeling better, more in control, and calmer within a life that has been feeling like too much.

Explore the options below to learn more about the services I offer.

Hi, I'm Sonja Seglin

I am a compassionate, supportive, funny (at least sometimes) therapist that can help you rise above what you are going through. I provide care for those experiencing a lot of pressure, emotions that feel out of control, and feeling overwhelmed in life.

What makes me different: I listen carefully, accept wholeheartedly, and I use swear words (with permission).

Get started with Sonja today.